what foods are best for anti aging
what foods are best for anti aging
what foods are best for anti aging |
what foods are best for anti aging ?
Our bodies require a wide range of nutrients including vitamins and minerals to function correctly and efficiently. Each nutrient is responsible for performing specific roles within the body and works in conjunction with the others to keep you fit and healthy. The single most important thing you can do to improve the appearance of your skin and your quality of life, in general, is to eat a healthy balanced diet that contains plenty of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats, as well as sufficient levels of vitamins and minerals.
This shall take a closer look at what nutrients are required to ensure healthy skin, and suggest some foods that, when consumed as part of a balanced diet, can help to give your skin a more youthful appearance.
What nutrients does the skin need?
In order to eat foods that are beneficial to the skin, it's necessary to know which nutrients the body uses to repair and maintain skin. The following list details the most important of these:
Vitamin C- Used in the body's synthesis of Collagen and other chemical compounds responsible for the upkeep of the skin. Also, an anti-oxidant that helps to eliminate free radicals, which can be detrimental to the skin and lead to the development of wrinkles. Lack of vitamin C can result in scurvy, a skin condition that results in sores and spots on the skin.
Vitamin E- Also has anti-oxidant properties, and so is effective in protecting against damage done by the sun's rays and eliminating free radicals caused by chemicals absorbed in the diet and environment.
Vitamin A- A deficiency of Vitamin A can result in dry skin and may also be the root cause of a range of skin conditions such as acne.
Vitamin B2, B3 & B6- Also known as Riboflavin, Niacin, and Pyridoxine respectively. These and other B complex vitamins all play a vital role in skin maintenance, and deficiencies may cause anemia.
Selenium- A mineral that has been linked to the prevention of skin cancer and is known to protect against damage from the sun.
Zinc- Needed for the production of collagen and elastin, the protein responsible for ensuring that skin remains flexible.
What foods are best for healthy, good-looking skin?
With the information above, you should be able to do some research to discover what foods are beneficial to the skin. Here's a rundown of some of the best:
Whole grain bread, pasta, rice, and breakfast cereals- Whole grain foods are healthier because they literally contain the whole grain - that is, the entire seed of the plant from which they were harvested. Refined products such as white bread strip away the outer layer of bran and the 'germ' on the inside. These two parts contain high concentrations of B vitamins and antioxidants, which are essential for healthy skin. Whole grains also contain large amounts of fiber, which aids in the removal of toxins that are detrimental to the skin.
Almonds- These contain a good mixture of nutrients that are good for the skin, including vitamin E, iron, selenium, and zinc.
Tomatoes- A good source of lycopene, which plays a role in protecting the skin from damage by the sun.
Broccoli, cauliflower, Brussel sprouts, spinach- All of these contain high levels of vitamin C, and so are effective in keeping the skin healthy.
Kiwi fruit, oranges, lemons, limes, and strawberries- Good fruit sources of Vitamin C.
Oily fish- As well as being good for the brain, the high concentrations of B vitamins and omega fatty acids found in fish are beneficial to the skin.
Nuts- Most types of nuts are good for the skin. Cashew nuts and Brazil nuts contain high levels of selenium and other nutrients, while peanuts and hazelnuts are good sources of Vitamin E.
What types of food should be avoided?
Anything that has been highly refined or processed is usually bad for the skin, as such foods contain high levels of refined carbohydrates and trans-fats. This includes cakes, biscuits, sweets, crisps, and ready meals. While it's not necessary to cut out these foods completely, it's a good idea to carefully read the nutritional information on the packaging and limit your consumption of such things. Fried foods can also contribute to a build-up of oil in the skin, potentially resulting in spots and outbreaks of acne.
Make small changes
There's no need to consume huge amounts of foods that are good for the skin or to completely eliminate those that might be detrimental. Making small changes in your diet, such as substituting your daily bread and breakfast cereal for wholegrain alternatives or snacking on fruit and nuts, can do wonders for your skin and doesn't have to be a chore.
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